Elder Races Grouped By Age
Pre-Eternity |
Newbirth Eternity |
Cosmic |
Super Ancient |
Ancient |
Pan-galactic |
Galactic |
Pre-Human |
Jyril |
First Ones {Cura} |
Belathi (First Ones)
Eternals |
Sidri |
Dralatha (Lokori) |
Eddorians |
Baronians |
Kriar |
Lokori (First Ones) |
Time Guardians |
[Elysians] |
Metath (Belathi) |
[Trackazoids] |
Lell |
Savants |
Tharr (Belathi) |
Numinorians |
Pantheon lords
[gods] |
Toroth (Lokori) |
[silver elves] |
Territaani |
Color Legend
Names in '(' ')' after a race name indicate the hereditary progenitor from which that race branched off.
Names in '[' ']' after a race indicate a common reference name for that race.
These races did not originate within the scope of Eternity's time/space bubble.
*Cura is
the only known self-reference. "First-ones" is only a convenient name for a
race who vanished from the universe long before even the advent of history
in many cultures.
These are decendant races with a common projenetor.
Derivative race that has no decendents. The Eternals and
Guardians are essentially synthetic, and there are a very
limited number of them. Both races can breed but for many
and various reasons do not.
The race of savants is persistent but not contiguous. The
savants qualify as a race because they have a definite
trackable heredity that decends through time, but is
manifest within other host races.
Race/Era Descriptions
Pre-Eternity races are races that are unknowably old, whose
existence predates the creation of universe of the Realms. The
Jyril are in this category alone. It is possible that the
Jyril are actually of the same approximate age as the
Kriar. However, they are categorized as elder to the Kriar
because of their obvious superiority in both technology and
the development of magic.
Newbirth Eternity
Newbirth Eternity is a category for races that came into
being slightly before, during or slightly after the birth
of Eternity. Note when we say "slight", we are speaking in
cosmological terms (thousands of millennia or more).
Cosmically old means cultures that have spanned the
lifetimes of stars. The Belathi and the Lokori are alone in
this category. They are the first inbreeding between the
first ones and evolved life in Eternity. These cultures
were wild, unrestrained, and brutal. The Kriar who came to
Eternity were nearly overwhelmed by these ferocious
Super Ancient
Super ancient refers to creatures which developed in concert
with the growth of eternity. The savants are also in this
category as they are genetically derived aberrations of first
one heredity. By this point in time, no living first ones
exist. Their legacy can only be found in their direct
decendants the Belathi and Lokori, who are by this point also
on the decline.
Ancient cultures which only include the Sidri and the
Tandleau are the first super-evolved races of Eternity that
do not stem from a root in the first ones or Eternity
itself. The Sidri are a technical culture that fades into
obscurity prior to the major conflicts with the Kriar. The
Tandleau are a pan-magical culture cultivated by the time-
guardians that retain a special relationship with the
The pan-galactic category includes cultures who are all
derivitive of the decendants of the first ones. The Belathi
and Lokori no longer exist in pure forms, the powerful
blood of the first ones has been diluted by hereditary
strains that evolved on new growth worlds. These creatures
still walk the stars at will, and enjoy god-like levels of
physical and mental power.
Galactic civilizations enjoy a level of technology and
cultural development millions of years old. These
civilizations span thousands if not millions of worlds.
Pre-human civilizations are ancient cultures with develpment
measured in hundreds of thousands of years. Note that the
pantheon lords exist in this category, these creatures are
actually derivative dilutions of the Dreel, Metath, Tharr,
and Toroth hereditary strains. Think of these super-ancient
clans as the first "pantheons". It is not until the
proliferation of life that these creatures re-emerge to
breed, feed off of, and awe the newly developing cultures
that are the progenitors of the Ring Realms.