35 personalities currently on file. |
Giquokor |
Master of the West Wind
Inspired by:
Glenn Boardman
Appears in:
Shaladen Chronicles: A Knot in Time (cameo)
Professional Adventurer
Western Ivaneth
Unusual Features:
Due to his extreme martial discipline and health (as well as the exposure to a great deal of magic over the decades) Giquokor ages at about half the rate of an ordinary person. Due to longtime expositure to the grand-magics of his Javelin named Heartstopper he has greatly increased strength and additional mass.
Martial Status:
Group Affiliations:
Band of the Crescent Moon, Monestary of the West Wind
Magical Skills:
Giquokor possesses no magical talent, but is extremely versed in the recognition and countering of magic, able to avoid the effects of most spells cast at him.
Tournament Rank:
Like his friend Skyweir, Giquokor is mostly in class unto himself in unarmed combat. With his strength and speed he could easily hold his own in unlimited class battle. In truth, he has brought down some of the Realm's most powerful creatures, a rhinotaur, in solo combat.
Giquokor joined up with the Band of the Crescent moon shortly after Skyweir and the two of them served as the scouts and quick strike aspect of the band's battle presence.
After their battle against the powerful Lich Ceta, the pantheon lord Loki gifted Giquokor with a powerful magical javelin called Heartstopper. This weapon did for the master of the West wind what Skyweir's magical acquisitions did for him... make already formidable opponents into truly fearsome adversaries.
When Skyweir retired from the band, Giquokor stayed on to participate in a few extra campaigns. He and his javelin carved out a sizable reputation in the Realms.
Hoshihana, Vera (Su'ko Tai) | 
Hoshihana, Vera (Su'ko Tai)
Su'Ko Tai, Vera-sama
Inspired by:
Will Greenway
Appears in:
Savant's Blood: Shadow of the Avatar, Savant's Blood: Hecate's Bounty, Aesir's Blood, Gaea's Blood, Shaladen Chronicles: Who Mourns the Creator, Gaea's Legacy: The Infinity Annihilator
Family Servant to the Felspars
Hoshin Territory, Northern wastes (Hellfurnace Valley)
Unusual Features:
Due to the extremely harsh nature of Vera's G'yaki training she is somewhat heavier than expected for a woman of her height and build. She has roughly 3% body-fat and relentless drilling, conditioning and drugs have increased the density and twitch factor of her muscles. She can lift, press a little over three hundred pounds.
Additionally, she has the birth advantage of coming from region surrounding Tralondizaar, a location of one of the ancient Kriar gate systems. This particular gate was malfunctioning and leaking chronal energy into the environment. Over the millennia, the Hoshin G'yaki family that lived in area were affected by these energies. Making them able to "slip" ticks in time creating an illusion of extraordinary speed. These "slipped" or bypassed ticks also extend one's lifespan, prolonging their already tao-advantaged life forces.
Known Relatives:
Imura Hoshiwejah (Mother) [deceased], Kochu Hoshihana (Father) [deceased], Enjiro (brother), Namu (sister), Aki (sister),
Kisho Hoshin (Uncle-in-law), Etsu Hoshin (Aunt), Taro Hoshihana (Cousin), Michi Hoshihana (Cousin),
Group Affiliations:
Clan Felspar, Hoshin Clan of G'yaki, Hana subclan of house Hoshin
Magical Skills:
Vera has several magic-like abilities that all stem from her G'yaki training. The first is G'yaki stealth that is a form of psychic invisibility. Creatures simply don't notice or detect the G'yaki. At the grand master level this talent actually cloaks the G'yaki from many forms of detection by allowing them to harmonize so perfectly with their surroundings that even technical means of detection are fooled into thinking that the area is empty.
The G'yaki have a form of mind control that can cause a person to take limited physical actions against their will.
Another G'yaki ability is "flash movement" which is an extremely limited form of time-skipping. G'yaki have a magical ability to conceal and summon their weapons in the folds of their clothing.
Through disciplining of the tao, G'yaki masters have uncanny speed, flexibility and resistance to injury. This is due to the pseudo magical nature of their tao powers which constantly energize and enhance their bodies. This same ability makes them extremely resilient to magical effects, particularly those of the mind.
Tournament Rank:
Vera does not participate in tournament play. In certain situations Vera easily fights at the unlimited class level of battle. The G'yaki are savants of combat and their grand masters can effectively fight against even elder opponents. Their lightning speed, uncanny agility and inhuman precision make them nothing less than harrowing to face in battle.
One of the little known members of the Felspar clan, but undoubtedly one of the most essential to its smooth operation is Virasama or Vera. She is the cook, the housekeeper, the caregiver, the seamstress, the lady's maid and a host of other functions. Vera is an energetic, respectful, and oh-so-correct servant of Loric gifted with extraordinary abilities. How this diminuative lady actually manages to do all the things she does is largely a mystery to most of the members of the household, but over the cycles they have grown accustomed to Vera's "magic". That include such things as being able to pour nine different drinks out of the same pitcher, or just happen to provide a new person with their favorite food.
Vera is rarely idle and almost never seems to sleep. She is a extraordinary chef that provides the family with flavorful, no-nonsense, "country cooking". Many are the times that some of Loric's elder guests have tried to hire Vera away, but she always declines.
The truth of Vera's magical abilities lay with Loric, and his desire to make his huge household manageable for his trusted follower. Over the cycles, he has developed house magicks which respond to Vera's unique mental talents, allowing her tao-like spiritual strength to manipulate the environment of the citadel to her wishes. Since few creatures save savants have a tao, it was safe for Loric to create these magics.
Vera's tao abilities come from her training as G'yaki assassin. Vera is a master level G'yaki with more than a century of combat experience. Upon passing rites of a master Virasama was given the alias Su'Ko Tai as her 'true name' and identity as a 'true' G'Yaki. Vera functioned in this capacity for several decades. It was only when she refused to take her own life after the death of her husband that she was dishonored and expelled from the G'yaki clan in which she lived. This dishonor lives with her to this day, and is why Vera feels herself only worthy of the trivial position of house maid.
Vera hides her G'yaki training unless there is an emergency or there are special circumstances. When she "becomes" a G'yaki, her whole personna undergoes a change and she becomes a vicious machine with a mission. She does not speak while in this state, and communicates only with hand gestures and head shakes. She is a truly formidable fighting machine, able to stand off three of Aarlen Frielos' technically armed Sen'Gen while sustaining only minor injuries.
Idundaughter-Kergatha, Euriel | 
Idundaughter-Kergatha, Euriel
Baroness Kergatha, Mistress of 12 armies, Idun-daughter
Inspired by:
Will Greenway
Appears in:
Savant's Blood: Shadow of the Avatar, Savant's Blood: Hecate's Bounty, Aesir's Blood, Gaea's Blood, Reality's Plaything, 'Neath Odin's Eye, Gaea's Legacy, Shaladen Chronicles: Who Mourns the Creator
Professional Adventurer
Utgard, Gladshiem
Unusual Features:
Being half patheon lord and half Territaani, Euriel's body tissue is three times as dense as that of an ordinary mortal. She is therefore far more durable and stronger than an ordinary woman of her height and build. Being half immortal she ages extremely slowly. Additionally, her enhanced metabolism allows her wounds to heal very rapidly. Despite the extra weight, it takes a great deal to fatigue her. In fact, when in battle her body actually feeds on energy of the conflict allowing her to push even harder and faster.
Martial Status:
Married (Vanidaar Kergatha)
Known Relatives:
Idun Yggrasil (mother), Vanidaar Kergatha (husband), Liandra "Wren" Kergatha (daughter), Azir Kergatha (son)
Group Affiliations:
Court of Odin, City of Cosmodarus, All-Worlds Tournament, Family Frielos, Family Felspar, Dream Merchants
Magical Skills:
Euriel is first and foremost an Aesir warrior. However, like the scalds of old, no warrior is complete without delving into the lore and animus of the deep magicks. She is a powerful magician that, not surprisingly, focuses on battle-magic. She has skills equal to a loremage, but with her extended life has considerably more knowledge and access to arcana than a mortal sorceress. Her extremely tough body and almost limitless endurance allow her to use magic that would slay a mortal, thus she can perform magics beyond the scope of her skills.
Tournament Rank:
Euriel is an unlimited class warrior. Being an elder and bred for war, the tournament is what Euriel looks forward to in every year. She always places well. Her extraordinary physical powers, Aesir instinct for battle, and experience make her a worthy adversary even for those with much greater skills. The extraordinary warrior Beia Targallae has only bested Euriel once in tournament. Their rivalry continues as Beia trains each year to even their record.
Euriel is the daughter of Idun Yggdrasil, the Aesir keeper of immortality. Her father was Cohr, a Territaani warrior that Idun happened to meet in her travels among the fringe worlds.
Euriel grew up as most children of the pantheon lords do, envied by their "betters". She was strong and quick and an exceptional student. She fought in many skirmish wars along side the Chosen and learned most of her fighting skills from the Valkur maidens.
One of the mortal games that Idun patronized was the All-Worlds Tournament, and Euriel grew up as a young woman dallying with the handsome young men of the lists. It was there that she met Vanidaar Kergatha, a, then, young savant of life forces. The two of them began seeing one another and a few summers later were married with the blessing of Idun.
It was sometime later that she was able to conceive of Son whom they named Azir. Surprisingly, they learned the boy was a savant, something very rare for a coupling with one parent who was a savant. More surprisingly, four years later, Euriel was able to conceive again... this time with a daughter who they named Liandra. To their dismay, she too was a savant, and this time one of the prime savants.
It was this dual birthing of savants that made Euriel a target for Hecate and caused Liandra and Azir to be stolen from her by Mishaka the Avatar.
Ironfist, DacWhirter Varon | 
Ironfist, DacWhirter Varon
The Warmaster of Kron
Inspired by:
Will Greenway
Appears in:
Reality's Plaything, Gaea's Legacy, Shaladen Chronicles: A Knot in Time, Aesir's Blood, Gaea's Blood, Shaladen Chronicles: Who Mourns the Creator
Mercenary, and professional adventurer
The Kron Hills
Unusual Features:
DacWhirter is a dwarf, but unusually large for his kind.
Martial Status:
Known Relatives:
None known
Group Affiliations:
The Band of the Crescent Moon
Magical Skills:
None-- DacWhirter is extremely *resistant* to magic as is most of his kindred.
Tournament Rank:
DacWhirter is a 9th ranked WarMaster and veteran of 20 All-World's tournaments. He has at times qualified and made it to the final rounds the unlimited class tourneys. These inconsistent showings in tournament play have raised the question if there might not be more than one dwarf baring the name of DacWhirter Ironfist.
Sometimes known as the Warmaster of Kron. Member of the Band of the Crescent Moon. DacWhirter hales from the Kron hills in the Kingdom of Coormeer to the east of Ivaneth. This hardy dwarf has taken part in a great deal of the lore of Titaan. He has been rumored dead several times only to reappear summers later as though nothing had happened. Through what magic he accomplishes this is still unknown. There are those who theorize that he is an agent of Moradin, who favors him with renewed life after sacrificing himself in the cause of protecting life in the Ring Realms. If this is the case, DacWhirter has never favored anyone with his secret. Measuring 16 hands tall and weighing over 22 stone DacWhirter is one of the biggest dwarves recorded in the realms.